No Permission. No Apologies.

I read a post that made me feel better. Wellness expert Kaleana Quibell reminded readers that the re-entry back to normal activities is a very personal experience.  And for those who tend to run a little anxious, as I do, this has been a stressful transition period....

Today’s Healthcare Heroes Spotlight: Nurses

On this National Nurses’ Day, I’m feeling awestruck.  I truly don’t know how nurses have survived this pandemic.  To show up and work under incredibly challenging circumstances day after day, focusing on patients and their families (no matter what personal loss or...

Pandemic Pants and Pep Talks

Do you know what a pants-expander is? It’s a stretchy rubber loop that attaches to the button of a pair of pants. I confess I bought 6 of them because my size 8 jeans just weren’t fitting anymore. Hopeful that my pandemic stress eating will subside and I’ll get back...

Making Lemonade From Pandemic Lemons

I’m generally a “glass half full” kind of person and I know many people are not. For those of you who usually see the glass as half empty, I hope you’ll keep reading. I’d like to offer you some of what I call “Pandemic Lemonade.” That’s the name I’ve given...