Gold-Medal Life Lessons: Part 1

It was the first time I had ever watched Skateboarding on TV.  Knowing this was the first Olympics to include the sport, I was curious to witness this historic event happening in Tokyo.  In 20 minutes of viewing, here’s what ran through my mind: Oh NO, she just fell!...

Pandemic Pants and Pep Talks

Do you know what a pants-expander is? It’s a stretchy rubber loop that attaches to the button of a pair of pants. I confess I bought 6 of them because my size 8 jeans just weren’t fitting anymore. Hopeful that my pandemic stress eating will subside and I’ll get back...

The Season of Giving…Time and Kind Words

How many Giving Tuesday e-mails landed in your inbox this week?  The needs this year seem greater, and situations seem more dire because of this terrible pandemic.  With each “new message” alert came a bit of a sinking feeling like, “I wish I could...

Making Lemonade From Pandemic Lemons

I’m generally a “glass half full” kind of person and I know many people are not. For those of you who usually see the glass as half empty, I hope you’ll keep reading. I’d like to offer you some of what I call “Pandemic Lemonade.” That’s the name I’ve given...