Self-promotion can be difficult for solopreneurs, regardless of how critical it is to our business. I know, I know: to run a successful company, one needs to have a strong online presence. I’ve attended webinars, workshops, and Clubhouse conversations with social media experts to learn more about the tips and tools I need to get my voiceover business noticed. I’ve watched YouTube videos on how to stand out in a crowded sea of online content.

And yet, this “tooting my own horn” thing just feels, well, weird.

Like, not natural.

I came face to face with this discomfort last month when I asked two clients if they would please write a few sentences for a testimonial. Having studied Donald Miller’s Storybrand, I know that third-party recommendations are invaluable when it comes to getting your business noticed. I rely on them all the time when seeking a new restaurant or travel destination, don’t you?  So it makes sense that recommendations and testimonials could help others find my voiceover business as well.

Self-promotion graphic: "Lisa is a dream to work with. I am always impressed by her ability to deliver any script with the right tone, pace, and emotion. Accommodating and a top-notch professional, Lisa makes me look good to my clients -- you can't beat that! - Geoffrey Klein, Nine Dots Media"The clients were happy to oblige and quickly emailed some ringing endorsements.

So why did I just leave them in my inbox?

I’d been feeling conflicted. I knew that to promote and help grow my VO business, I should share those testimonials and let potential clients read about how I’m “a top-notch voiceover pro” who is “passionate about her craft.” Yet I kept resisting because posting testimonials feels like a big ol’ brag. I’m confident in what I do and I’m proud of my reputation for taking direction well and being so easy to work with. Yet, I felt a bit icky the other day when I loaded the high praise into a graphic and then posted it on LinkedIn.

Is self-promotion just a necessary evil that we solopreneurs need to suck up and do? Or is there a better way to encourage potential clients to give us a try? Please share your thoughts in the Comments section below.