Well, I finally caught COVID. As I’m home isolating, with a reasonably mild case of it, I thought I’d share some random thoughts as we wind down from 2022.
- I’m grateful to have caught the virus during a typically slow period in the voiceover world. And I appreciate the compassion and flexibility of the clients who need me to record but are willing to wait for me to get back to my full voice before doing so.
- I was worried I might have unknowingly spread the virus to some people at a Philly Ad Club and Center City Business Association networking event the day before my symptoms started. After e-mailing everyone I spent time with, and having heard back from all but 2, I’m relieved to report they have been symptom-free. Whew!
- I used to follow COVID rapid test instructions SO carefully, reading and re-reading each line to make sure I was doing everything right. Today? I didn’t even have to look at the printed instructions. It’s true that practice makes perfect and I’ve had lots of testing experience lately.
- How fortunate that I have had people checking in on me, neighbors who delivered cough drops and friends who sent get-well care packages.
- The family Christmas celebration has been postponed and that’s okay. Yes, we’re all disappointed but, again, thanks to experience, we’ve gotten pretty good at the Zoom holiday thing so we’ll make the best of it.
- Though it’s been very cold here in Pennsylvania, I’ve enjoyed breathing in the fresh outdoor air while walking my dog. After being so congested, maybe I’m just noticing and appreciating those inhalations more.
- There really is something healing about chicken soup. And hot tea.
- How did we ever survive without streaming services and on-demand TV? While being sick is a bummer, there have been lots of good shows to help me pass the time. What have you been enjoying lately?
However you are spending this holiday season, I wish you peace and good health. And if you, like many of us, are dealing with an illness, I wish you a speedy and complete recovery and a wonderful start to the new year!